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4 868

Ok....Im done here.
After almost 6 hours this evening I cant reach any further.
I play worse and worse the more I try.
There is to many questions here that will be impossible for me to find a solution to even if I play 600 hours
So....92 000 will be my best score here.

4 868

Hello floflo and Caramelo...
Im very sorry that I cant help you very much in this map.
I really sucks in maps like these.
I played for hours and getting nowhere.

72 000 which I believe will be my best result.
But I will keep on trying to raise that amazing score haha.
I guess both of you have better points then me !?

4 868

Thanks Panda Im trying... Still a lot to learn.

4 868

Now it works again Thanks edel I need to practice more here

4 868

Damn...It looks like this is the way its gonna be for the rest of the games.... This gives me a turn on the motivation, I want everyone to see my score...
And I want to see the others scores of cource.
But ok--- It is as it is... So I will try. I really dont like this.

4 868

Ahh.. Ok... Thanks for the info ma67
I thought it was just me with my old and bad computer

4 868

Is it just me ?
Suddenly I cant see the scoreboards for the month, week and the day at all.
I dont play if I dont know that my points will be recorded.

4 868

Hello Challengers....
Good luck everyone..

4 868

Congratulations Dormitaine 37
You are to good for me here.
Good luck in the semi final !!!

4 868

Thanks Panda... But it begin to be to hard for me now.
Im way to slow here.

4 868

Thanks Panda

4 868

Good luck all challengers... I for sure know I gonna need it

4 868

Yes its difficult with all the sand LeeranerJung.
And its very hard to remember exactly even if you know that they are out there in the middle somewhere.

Believe me---- I also spent some time on this one Panda

4 868

Thanks Panda... Good score for you too !!
Its very difficult names.
And also difficult to find the locations out in the middle of nowhere where its only desert
But I do enjoy the map some how even if Im not so good at it

4 868

Hello.. Not a bad score if you ask me panda. I played only sunday evening and monday morning.
I didnt had any time left at all yesterday as I worked really late.
And this evening I was watching WC football and that was not at my home. So I could not play.
So sorry..
My best result was poor = 17 280 points.

4 868

Very difficult... 17 040 points.. haha

4 868

Thanks Panda ... I see that you are going higher too Great scores from many others too. Congratulations

4 868

Thanks Panda..
But the hard part is to get higher from 100 k I suppose.
110 !!! Very good Panda

4 868

Great Leer.. You see. I told you You must listen to me haha... I will try this tomorrow again.. Im stucked where I am at the moment !!!

4 868

Ahh-- Try it at least Leer... Your mapsence is incredible... But here "if you ask me " you need a lot of patience to reach anywhere.

4 868

I knew it from the start when i saw this map...
This is not going to be easy
I hate this da*n rivers.... And in France where I know 4-5 rivers !!!!
I actually think this is the most difficult map I ever played.

I getting nowhere how hard I even try !!!
Here Im loosing a lot of points in the challange...
But it is at it is

4 868

Thanks Panda.
I did not like this map at all.

4 868

Hmm. Mission impossible Panda
Im so lost here that its scary

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