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Les commentaires : EdMar

  il y a 9 ans 

Yes of course ))
It is only test of this site

  il y a 9 ans 

to nie wiedza to traf.....

  il y a 9 ans 

@moorea - You are 11-th on the total list --- not 60-ties
And You are on the podium 12 hours !!
Keep it up !!!

  il y a 9 ans 

@panda56 - thank you - We climb together on the list but in the end you will have a better result )
The game is fun - although a little sorry that there is no single point of Polish!?!
And Poland is also an interesting country with a lot of monuments and historical places . Good luck and have a nice weekend!

  il y a 9 ans 

I did not know that this map is so popular. For the last night played on it exactly 4438 new players ))

  il y a 9 ans 

@ Moorea .... great result - you're a great Challengers

  il y a 9 ans 

@Panda thanks for the words of encouragement! Let's go!

  il y a 9 ans 

Hallo Challengers!
Greetings from Poland!
I've never been in France but I always dreamed about it
My first play in MMM on trackball.
It is a curiosity????

  il y a 9 ans 

Hello Caramelo and Dormitaine !!!
I have small break from my work
so I come in

Good afternoon Everybody challengers

  il y a 9 ans 

I will not leave You alone in this game (certainly), but I have to Friday in the school " parents' meetings" and before noon lessons . As soon as I can I will be with you. I still working!. Don't worry

  il y a 9 ans 

@Challengers - greetings!
@ Chrysss - super!

Raz na wozie raz pod wozem

  il y a 10 ans 

@Challengers thank you for the motivation and mobilization

  il y a 10 ans 

My best, but only one shot - 6928 pkt (7 km)

  il y a 10 ans 

Good Night

  il y a 10 ans 

Thank you, but I have to defend the Slavic soul. I do not see Bartek nor Kopec. So I'm lonely representative of the Slavs.

  il y a 10 ans 

Is there any Russian?

  il y a 10 ans 

@ snowwhite
I was in Moscou 3 times but it was more 30 years ago
Names are very different in French and I have to explain to the Polish then wasting my speed - so in those games speed are...... ))

  il y a 10 ans 

@Panda - thanks
So congratulation for ---you are the best as usual
Géo. Physique de la Suisse are most interesting than other - I think
Pity that there is no geophysical Polish map

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