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Jeux par pays
Coucou loulou et claudi;je suis très heureuse de vous retrouver;bonne chance!ce jeu n'est pas plus difficile que les autres;il faut repartir à zéro : les noms connus reviennent vite.
Bravo à tous, les scores ont été relevés. Rendez-vous plus tard sur les forums du club (sites français et anglais) pour les résultats (je vais d'abord prendre le temps de dîner !)
@panda56 merci beaucoup ! je crise... 5/6 minutes avant 20heures j'avais obtenu un score de 131.500 et il n'a pas été pris en compte ... dommage ! j'ai fait ce que j'ai pu ce soir avec tous les incidents de parcours ... téléphone ... etc ... zut ! zut !
@chrysss score obtenu à 19h58 : 127.000
Excellent Lucas ! After your brilliant performance on Geophysic du Belgique I knew you can do this. I for myself decided to stop yesterday leaving a better score for next time on this wonderful map @Edmar: To reach almost 110k on this one is really good. When I reached that point I began to enjoy the map and it went really easy from there on. So if you have some time left, try again ...
@catounette @panda j'ai coupé le son ... je trouve que cela va plus vite ... ciao !!!!!!!
panda, j essaye mais encore des fautes !!!
waouh mabulle, tu as profité que je travaillais pour me prendre la place sur le podium ! vilaine ! je tenterai tout à l'heure .......
C'est tout pour ce soir
Lucas 1er on reconnait là , le champion. je vais cesser de courir après toi
Lucas bravo Caramelo Merci
@mabulle: un très grand bravo !!!!
Pareillement Mabulle!^^
Juste pour le plaisir
t inquiete pas, serginho, c'était un plaisir pour moi de jouer et de battre mon record perso.
catounette : Désolé tu es tombée sur une drole d´Equipe !!! En plus ils nous on donné le Truc sur l´ Angleterre ....Donc je fais du SCRABBLE .... Mon score définitif 29 000 ....
hello challengers panda, t you are flown you too !!! today, some available in the late morning and this afternoon, so I will try to help the purple succeeded. good luck everyone
Well stress is not the right word for it. I thinking of some problems I had before at the end of the map. And then I miss things I know good instead I dont know ? And I cant complain on bad luck.... I really got good chances to reach higher scores. Anyway... Thanks Panda Thats kind words. You also play good as usual And my teammate chrysss is not a human here. She must be a machine Awesome ... ANd LeeranerJung--- What a good performance !!
The standings at the moment are: 1. Reds 2. Yellows 3. Blues 4. Greens 5. Oranges 6. Violets Good night to everybody !
Hey Panda... I say well done back to you I never thought I could reach this kind of points in this sort of maps. SO thats good. But Im also FRUSTRATED..... Because I can make around 95- 100 k with no errors at all. After that I make the most stupid mistakes that you can imagine !!!! And I do it time after time... Its almost like its meant to be. Its like my mind gets empty...I cant think straight when the yellow part of the time scale reach halfway.... Then Im out ....Sort of.
Thanks Panda, if I could learn the last 3 or 4 places (those bloody plains) which i am unsure of and which always take a lot of time of thinking and searching I could make a tremendous score well, a bit of time is left ........
150k and still a lot of mistakes - incredible
GO REDS !!! Lucas and Edmar, you are doing great. This is just practice, nothing else. I played around 90k for a very long time when I suddenly made a huge jump. Nothing is impossible ! So good luck to you !!!
I won't make this without a mistake, not today, not tomorrow, not in a hundred years stuck around at 140k at the moment with 5, 6 mistakes each round which cost not only points but also time ....
Voila CU tomorrow
Team yellow: I'm trying my best, but I find this map very difficult! All the red, blue and yellow dots are confusing! I will try again tomorrow. cheers!
Thanks chrysss. I will do a couple of more attempts this evening. But I begin to get tired after about 3 hours on the map But I will try more tomorrow. As I can remember I had a bit over 100 k last time I played here !! So I wont give up.
Climbing higher and higher ... I am really excited how far I can get here because I still make a lot of mistakes. 140k should be possible
Well done Grumer ! Come on ! Nice to see you Albi ! I trust you will do better ! Come on !
Plein de belles choses et notamment l'annonce des jeux des tournois, le jeu "image satellite" et des tas de curiosités...