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Good luck Oasis!
To all Challengers 1/4 finalists: as this map is really busy, it seems to be difficult to show up on the right column, so please do not forget to send me on my private mailbox your best score before Friday 14h00. Thanks.
N'oubliez pas de m'envoyer votre meilleur score sur ma mailbox avant vendredi 14h00. Merci.
@Panda: I am waiting........... I am very thirsty. I am just behind this palm tree, you don't see me?............. Well I took with me all the water I had at home, but it is not enough! lol!
Trop trop fort Lucas!! on ne peut que s'incliner!
Ma67x tu t'es bien entrainé il y a quelques jours, vas-tu encore te surpasser?
Caramelo j'ai comme l'impression qu'on va couler à pic!
Ce tournoi me convient bien et permet de s'évader un peu et chercher le soleil!
Je vais regarder Pékin Express, j'aime bien ce programme, quelqu'un d'autre du Club regarde-t-il aussi?
@Challengers: the scores have been picked up. More information on the Members Area Page of the Club.
Coucou Arwen!
Great score! You can do better! Still one hour to play on that map. Bravo pour ton score!
Great Burak!
Yes this map is not really easy! Sure you will improve....
Great Challenger's podium of day!!
@Burak: hope every thing is OK for you after this hurricane.
Let's play until tomorrow 14h00!
Good luck Oasis!
To all Challengers 1/4 finalists: as this map is really busy, it seems to be difficult to show up on the right column, so please do not forget to send me on my private mailbox your best score before Friday 14h00. Thanks.
N'oubliez pas de m'envoyer votre meilleur score sur ma mailbox avant vendredi 14h00. Merci.
@Challengers: here is the map for the 1/4 finals. Good luck!
Coucou Panda et bonne chance!
@Panda: I am waiting........... I am very thirsty. I am just behind this palm tree, you don't see me?............. Well I took with me all the water I had at home, but it is not enough! lol!
His there a Challenger who can bring me some water please? I am lost in the desert!
Hi Panda! impossible to reach your awesome score! Great!
Well done Klettersteig!
@klettersteig: nice to see you here! The number of questions keep going within the time.
Bravo Yassine!
Bravo Arwen, continues comme ça sur toutes les cartes!
@kakabusa: great improving! Go on!
@Challengers: this is one of the 5 maps of the MMM.
don't forget to play on the 4 others games, until Thursday 11h00 (GMT+2)
Good luck!
@Challengers: this is one of the 5 maps of the MMM.
don't forget to play on the 4 others games, until Thursday 11h00 (GMT+2)
Good luck!
Bravissimo Panda!
We play until 19h00 today.
@LJ: It is in this situation we recognize a great champion. And at the moment your are at the 1st place on the MMM!
@leeranerJung: YES! you improving fast! Great!
@Challengers: this is one of the 5 maps for the MMM. Good luck!
Merci Claudi!
coucou Caramelo, tu es bien belle sur la 1ère marche du podium!
Coucou Le Mirabelle: quels scores! super!
N'oubliez pas le tournoi par équipes dès demain....
Merci ClaudiM. Pas facile au début, il va falloir bosser!
Trop trop fort Lucas!! on ne peut que s'incliner!
Ma67x tu t'es bien entrainé il y a quelques jours, vas-tu encore te surpasser?
Caramelo j'ai comme l'impression qu'on va couler à pic!
waouh! Lucasleslovene, quelle progression en quelques minutes!! Bravo!
Bonsoir à toutes et tous!
Ce tournoi me convient bien et permet de s'évader un peu et chercher le soleil!
Je vais regarder Pékin Express, j'aime bien ce programme, quelqu'un d'autre du Club regarde-t-il aussi?
Grazie Panda!
bravo les belles mirabelles!