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Challengers, this is the correct map for the Multi Map Marathon. Good luck!
Challengers, ceci est la carte correcte pour le Multi Carte Marathon. Bon chance !
Don't worry about this map Grumer. It seems almost impossible at first, but after a few goes it all falls into place surprisingly quickly. Although I still haven't beaten my best score yet and I don't think I'll get near Chrysss!
Come on Panda, you'll get there. It's not as hard as you think. Just needs a little practice. But I'm still quite a way from my all time best at 150k+ I hope I'll get there again...
Yes! Well done Panda, great score...
Challengers, this is the correct map for the Multi Map Marathon. Good luck!
Challengers, ceci est la carte correcte pour le Multi Carte Marathon. Bon chance !
Well done Snowwwhite and great to have you as my Dame. I think you will do better on this one than me. I prefer the Cities of Africa.
It is definitely tres difficile Panda
Challengers, this is the correct map for the Multi Map Marathon
Challengers, ceci est la carte correcte pour le Multi Carte Marathon
I need to be better at this one Panda as I'm not good at the other two games..
Hooray! Got to 104,000 at last!
Great Score Panda! That will be hard to beat.
Challengers, this is the correct map for the Multi Map Marathon
Every time I play this game new cities keep appearing
What a great battle. All of us against two Moorea's
Wow! Just one point short of 96k Moorea, so close!
Well done Snowwhite! You are making good progress.
Don't worry about this map Grumer. It seems almost impossible at first, but after a few goes it all falls into place surprisingly quickly. Although I still haven't beaten my best score yet and I don't think I'll get near Chrysss!
Come on the Blues, we can do it! Although beating Chrysss will be almost impossible I think...
Come on Panda, you'll get there. It's not as hard as you think. Just needs a little practice. But I'm still quite a way from my all time best at 150k+ I hope I'll get there again...
Challengers - this is the MMM for 22nd Mar
Well done Kapucine! You are creeping closer to 110k. i seem to be stuck at the moment...
Well done Kapucine! It's tough getting to 109k isn't it? But I'm sure you'll get to 110k + soon
Well done Floflo!
Just a fluke Panda. Not sure how I managed to get to 109K!
Another speed game. Not my favourite but I'll try
Bien fait Snowwhite, c'est une carte difficile
Bien fait Snowwhite, c'est une carte difficile
@Panda Il devient plus facile quand je ai learend les noms Francais
C'est tres difficile pour moi. Il est a nouveau carte por moi, et je ne lis pas Francais! Mais je vais essayer...
That's an excellent score Panda! It will be hard to beat, even for Szergejke I think...
111,035 for me at the moment
108,789 for me so far....
Well done Szergejke and Yassine! Getting scores above 108,000 is getting harder and harder for me...