Description du club
Ok, for anybody seeing this mess I made, just relax and wait.
The personal bio erasing stuff is kinda like a virus spreading from bio to bio (I ain't doing anything, it's autonomous). But don't worry, no need to panic, it won't do anything more !
Just realx and wait for the admin of the website to patch and solve this.
Actualités du club
Ok, for anybody seeing this mess I made, just relax and wait.
The personal bio erasing stuff is kinda like a virus spreading from bio to bio (I ain't doing anything, it's autonomous). But don't worry, no need to panic, it won't do anything more !
Just realx and wait for the admin of the website to patch and solve this.
Ce club compte 30 membres
1 |
boyd:bg:-1:body:-2:wear:-6:mouth:-1:nose:-1:eyes:-1:hair:-1 GotYa 136 |
11000 |
2 |
boy:bg:16:glasses:30:hats:13:body:2:wear:31:mouth:10:nose:4:eyes:4:hair:38:beard:0 cool21 51,1k |
9900 |
3 |
boy:bg:39:body:2:wear:13:mouth:10:nose:5:eyes:5:hair:27 jeanmi2343 233,8k |
9900 |
4 |
9800 |
5 |
9700 |
6 |
symbol:bg:30:color1:30:icon:0 AnneJose 97,4k |
9700 |
7 |
9700 |
8 |
boy:bg:1:glasses:35:body:2:wear:25:mouth:9:nose:10:eyes:4:hair:37:beard:24 rogeon 99,9k |
9700 |
9 |
9600 |
10 |
9600 |
11 |
9600 |
12 |
girl:bg:24:glasses:0:body:1:wear:5:mouth:1:nose:1:eyes:1:hair:22 rosedemai 356,0k |
9600 |
13 |
symbol:bg:52:color1:5:icon:52:blason:3 F4.Pro 38,9k |
9500 |
14 |
9500 |
15 |
boy:bg:32:glasses:26:hats:0:body:2:wear:1:mouth:0:nose:0:eyes:0:hair:38 gt40 79,1k |
9500 |
16 |
9500 |
17 |
9500 |
18 |
boy:bg:52:glasses:10:hats:0:body:2:wear:9:mouth:5:nose:7:eyes:0:hair:16:beard:14 l.luc 88,4k |
9500 |
19 |
boy:bg:1:body:1:wear:13:mouth:4:nose:4:eyes:1:hair:40 labringueT 152,6k |
9500 |
20 |
girl:bg:1:glasses:0:body:1:wear:1:mouth:8:nose:1:eyes:5:hair:52 mamyl 263,3k |
9500 |
21 |
9500 |
22 |
boy:bg:17:glasses:31:body:2:wear:9:mouth:10:nose:4:eyes:17:hair:39:beard:22 jackai51 219,1k |
9400 |
23 |
9400 |
24 |
boy:bg:36:glasses:21:hats:10:body:2:wear:21:mouth:10:nose:0:eyes:1:hair:57 °°66 327,4k |
9400 |
25 |
boy:bg:24:glasses:0:hats:39:body:5:wear:0:mouth:14:nose:9:eyes:8:hair:2:beard:31 Beaver04 2 992 |
9300 |
26 |
boy:bg:12:glasses:34:hats:11:body:1:wear:23:mouth:19:nose:10:eyes:9:hair:15 elbiar 17,5k |
9300 |
27 |
9300 |
28 |
9300 |
29 |
9200 |
30 |
boy:bg:4:glasses:31:hats:0:body:4:wear:5:mouth:19:nose:4:eyes:6:hair:47:beard:0 jasofri 179,3k |
9200 |
Ce club a été créé le 14/08/2021
Moyenne de pourcentage de score max.
Chaque jeu a un score maximal. Chaque score réalisé est donc un pourcentage de ce score maximal. Voici la moyenne de ces pourcentages pour tous les jeux et tous les membres de ce club.
Tournoi de club
Ce club n'a pas de tournoi en cours
Explications sur les clubs
Standard |
Premium |
Nombre max. de clubs par joueur |
2 |
6 |
Nombre max. de clubs administrés |
1 |
4 |
Nombre max. de demandes d'adhésion |
4 |
6 |
Nombre de membres maximum par club |
60 |
Nombre maximum de membres non JG PRO par club |
30 |
Les clubs sont supprimés s'ils n'ont pas au moins
5 membres au bout de
15 jours.